Wednesday, July 2, 2014

How cold is it? No Way!!

July 2, 2014

We all got a good night's sleep!  When we got up,  Caroline checked the weather and said it was 66 degrees. We did not believe her. We thought there was a malfunction with the weather app. Ummm No. It was 66 outside and a brisk wind. What a change from the night before. The bottom fell out of the thermometer.

We went into Hannibal and purchased our tickets at the Mark Twain museum. The first floor was dedicated to the times/plots of his books and his childhood. One floor was filled with Norman Rockwell prints that illustrated scenes from Mark Twain's books. There was also a huge pipe organ that Twain had constructed, called an orchestrelle. It was closed up. I sure would like to have played a few notes. We then toured the museum which held many displays that went along with the books of Mark Twain. It was very interesting and entertaining. We then walked through town and toured the boyhood home of Mark Twain, Laura Hawkins's home (she was the inspiration for Becky Thatcher), the home of Tom Blankenship (who was the inspiration for Huckleberry Finn.

Hannibal, MO is the birthplace of Molly Brown (her real name was Margaret and she was called Maggie or Mag as a child. The Molly was created by Hollywood)  of Titanic fame. We visited her home. It was built up on a hill. Very small and unassuming. Interpreter said this area was the Irish slums of Hannibal. Her life definitely changed in later life. She married J.J. Brown and became wealthy. They had a list of her possessions that she claimed insurance for after the boat disaster. Among the list, a $20,000 necklace, $200/300 dresses, ermine and mink wraps. Total claim was about $28,000. In that day and time WOW.

We also visited a lighthouse up on the hill overlooking Hannibal. It was erected in honor of Mark Twain. He has no navigational importance. From there, we got a spectacular view of the Mississippi River. It is flooding some. There was a park on the other shore that was flooded, lots of debris floating down the river too. The town of Hannibal has put out flood gates in anticipation of flooding. Hannibal has an incredible July 4th celebration, Tom and Becky look alike contest, horseshoe contests, mud volleyball (sounds like fun), a carnival, guest bands, etc. The town is all spruced up.

We then went to  Mark Twain Cave to hear a Mark Twain impersonator. LOL He was very good but, George and I was so sleepy after eating lunch we both about fell out.  There was another group of people there and I think some of them needed their nap too. Oh well.

We then drove out of Hannibal and headed towards St. Joseph. We saw many more cornfields, soybeans, and some cattle. Arrived at St. Joseph around 6:00 PM.

The motel has a really nice water park. Brrr it's too cold to go down a waterslide for me.
Think I'll read.

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