Sunday, July 13, 2014

Let the Sun Shine

July 13, 2014

We have had a good day today. Of course as we got up this morning it was still gray, cloudy, and cool (low 60's). I am not complaining. I hear that it's hot back home.

We continued our drive down highway 101. We made several stops along the way. We stopped and looked at two lighthouses. One at  at Cape Meares and Cape Blanco. It was cloudy at both stops. I felt like I was in a moorish movie as the clouds and mist blowing across the landscape. Lighthouses have always fascinated me. I realize that lighthouse keepers led long, hard, and dangerous lives. Living with or without family in an almost solitary situation must be very difficult.

We also stopped at Sea Lion Caves. We went down the elevator into the caves and there were many to see and hear. We then went to the outside viewing area. Looking down at the rocks below, there were many sea lions just lying around basking in what sun there was. Some were swimming and of course the males were making their presence known.

As we traveled on, the sun kept trying to break through the clouds and mists. Finally as we rounded a curve, the sun broke through and reflected off the ocean. We had a beautiful view of the oceans, rocks, and beaches. What a surprise!!

We made our last stop at an area which George found in the Oregon Hiking Book. It was called Secret Beach. The entrance is nestled just off the highway. There was room for only about four or five cars. The hike down was listed at .2 miles. It was easy peazy going down. The trail was narrow and wet but nothing I couldn't navigate. Then we came to the end. We are still up above the beach by about 30 feet. Now we get to climb down the rocks. George and Caroline headed on down. I just sat there. Hmmm Did I want to risk neck? I finally headed down the embankment doing my famous crab crawl. Feet, bottom, hands, feet, bottom, hands. It was wonderful to touch that sand. The surroundings were gorgeous.  There were of course huge rocks in the ocean and the waves were crashing. A beautiful waterfall was coursing out of the woods and fed into the ocean. It was such a peaceful and beautiful place. I immediately thought of the song "How Great Thou Art." We have certainly seen the beauty of God's creation this weekend. I know there are more to come.

We are in Brookings, OR tonight. Supper is calling.
Secret Beach
Brookings, OR
Donna at Secret Beach
Brookings, OR
Secret Beach
Brookings, OR

Sea Lions

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