Monday, July 14, 2014

Turn Right, Turn Left, Go Straight - It's Not Mother May I

Today was a good day. We were up and on the road by 6:45 AM. Don’t ask how we looked and about our lovely conversation. It took large cups of McDonald’s coffee to get us going. It was another cloudy and foggy morning as we left Brookings. The temperature was 53 degrees. Another hoodie day in July.
Our first stop on our ride today was an overlook that was said to have a fantastic view of the mountains and the coast of Oregon. We drove on down and turned on Requa Road. As we go up the winding and twisting road, there isn’t too much to see except a couple of residences. I had to stop on the way up to let a dog get up out of the road. He was lying there napping. We finally made it to the top and the weather had us all socked in. We couldn’t see anything. So we turned around and went back down the mountain, stopping for the dog to get out of the road again. I guess they don’t get too much traffic up that way if he sleeps in the road.
Our next adventure was at Klamath where we went to see a giant redwood that you can drive your car through. I did it! It was a tight squeeze but there are no scratches on the van or the tree.
On we went to Redwood National Forest. There are no words to describe the feeling one gets when you walk into that forest of majestic giants. It is unbelievable the size of these trees. The path was lined with lush plants and ferns. It was like walking in a magical garden and there were the trees. We made pictures but of course that’s like looking at a picture through a straw.
We stopped by the Redwood Forest Visitor Center and while there heard a walkie talkie say that there was a missing hiker. Oh my gosh. They called other rangers in to assist. A lady came in later and she had been crying. They had found him. Her son had gotten lost somehow. I can’t imagine what she must have been feeling.
We later took the scenic route (299) to Burney. It went through the Salmon Mountains. What a drive. It was turn right, turn left, go straight, turn right, turn left, go straight……NASCAR drivers could not do this road with those wicked right turns. We were also blessed with much road construction and road work. Mowing, cleaning ditches, laying guardrails, cleaning slide areas. We spent a lot of time waiting for the pilot truck to come get us.
I noticed as we traveled on that the temperature was rising. I was happy that I could take off my hoodie. The higher we went, the higher the temperature. I looked and it was 99, then 100, 101,……peaked at 114 degrees. I don’t know how accurate our thermometer is on the car. It usually runs about 3 degrees nigh. Regardless, it was HOT. When we arrived in Burney at 6:00 PM it was 99 degrees. I guess that’s what I get for posting a picture on Facebook with the thermometer reading 53 degrees. Gosh, we doubled it!

On a side note, George’s reputation with the seagulls continues. While we were at the Redwoods Welcome Center, I wanted to go out and stand in the Pacific Ocean so he went we me. When we got back to the car, he was wearing a lovely white seagull badge on his shirt sleeve. Poor guy.

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