Tuesday, July 8, 2014

You Have Company, It's not Avon

July 7, 2014

We packed up early this morning. It was a beautiful day. As we're going in and out of cabin we hear the sounds of mule deer up on the mountains. They were out all around. We were in the second cabin from the side of the mountain. I looked out and there was a mother mule deer and three little ones along with another adult. They are much bigger than our deer in North Carolina. One adult came down between the cabins eating grass. (I posted a picture on my Facebook page.

Note, I have read all the warning signs about not getting close to the wild life....bears, moose, mule deer. Some people just don't get it. I stayed way back and used my trusty little camera's zoom. It's amazing that some people get up real close for that perfect picture. We learned later that some tourists did not pay attention to the warning papers they handed out about this problem so now they have a video in the park stores that shows people getting gored/knocked down/etc. We also heard that the doctors in one town had a pool in guessing what day the first animal attack victim would come in.

Signs were everywhere warning about bears and so was the bear spray. People were encouraged to buy it if you were hiking.  I had already decided I would push George first. Not really, I know he would sacrifice himself for me.Well, we did not see Yogi or Booboo.

We spent the rest of morning driving through Yellowstone to get to the southern part. The mountains were beautiful, wildflowers were profuse, and the weather cool. There is still evidence of forest fires in the past several years. Tree trunks were sticking up like pick up sticks all over some of the mountains. Signs of new growth is everywhere. The lodge pole pine has a seed that will not sprout unless it is exposed to 110 degree temperatures. New trees are growing right up to the edge of the road. I guess it's the circle of life.

When we arrived at Old Faithful Lodge, the place was packed. We rode around and around searching for a parking place.Finally, we found one. Then we went out and watched Old Faithful erupt.  There were thousands of people lined up all around her watching. Just as the time neared the people got really quiet. Caroline said it was like a golf tournament. Old Faithful
puffed out several sporadic plumes of steam and got everyone all excited and then she blew. She was right on schedule.

Later we went to an area where George wanted to take us on a hike. I was all prepared with my hiking boots, pants, hat, and stick. Well it was HOT!!! We got just a little way up the trail and I said I was going back. We had also forgotten the bug spray and it was needed,  so we all went back. George and Caroline got the bug spray and went on their hike. I got a blanket out of the car and my book, found me some shade under a tree by the Yellowstone River and relaxed and read. I don't think it could have gotten any better.

We spent the night at Grand Tetons National Park.We had a nice cabin. The mountains were awesome and still had snow on them. Their reflection in the lake was beautiful.

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